Sunday, January 28, 2018

Fresh water technology in Busan?

In my environmental science class, we have discussed about fresh water. So, I started to wonder how do we get the fresh water. According to my research Busan is trying to increase fresh water supply by desalinating the sea water of East Sea. This effort has been going on for a few years, and they already have built a few desalination facilities to put their plan to practice. However it seems like citizens are against it.

I started to wonder what is the main reason why the citizens were so against the technology? Therefore I started to research about it and I learned that ever since the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster, it has been suspected that pockets of radiation have been leaking to the East Sea, rendering the East Sea as a possible radioactive hazard.

Even with the possible dangers, the city of Busan still tries to utilize its desalination technology as they spent a fortune on the facilities and infrastructures required. This means that they did not consider any environmental factors even though it was explicitly revealed that the Fukushima Disaster is causing serious environmental problems in nearby oceans. After doing some research, I have clearly understand the reason why people are against the technology and how to get fresh water.

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