Sunday, January 28, 2018

Aquatic environment

In my environmental science class we have learned about aquatic environment. Therefore, I have researched about the classification system of water in Korea. It seems that they classify cleanliness of water based on what kind of organisms live in the environment. I heard that there are different types of level for the species.

According to the article, I have found out that the 1st level has some species of small fishes, planaria, and lobsters. The 2nd level has some clam-like species, different kinds of fishes, and larva of dragonflies. The 3rd level has fishes like carp and several clam species and various aquatic insects. The 4th level mostly has larva of moths and leeches. The 5th level is same as the 4th level except the fact that even leeches can't live in the dirty 5th level water.

After doing some research, I started to wondered about the lake and the canal ways that are in Cheongna. To find out, I might have to look more into the aquatic organisms that live in these environments. Then I may be able to discern which level of water those environments are. Therefore, I could understand better concept of aquatic environment.

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