Sunday, January 21, 2018

Global climate change

After learning about global climate change in my environmental science class, I had bond of sympathy. It's been a surprise on how fast the climate changed in the recent month. In 2018 October, the weather was like Summer. It was abnormal how the weather was that hot. However, just after a  rain, the weather suddenly cooled down and it just all of a sudden became into late-autumn weather. While I was wearing shorts and a single T-shirt before the rain, after the rain, I started wearing hoodies and long sleeved pants

I could look more into about what's going on with the global climate recently in the Internet. To study more about global climate change. I wondered was it global climate change that was causing this abnormality? It may be so. When I was a littleild, climate change between seasons was not so sudden. It was a gradual process. However, as I grew up, it became increasingly normal that seasonal changes come so quickly without any gradual signs. This could also be an indicator that global climate change is intensifying, since even when I was a little child there was still global climate change going on in our planet.

After doing some research, I was able to understand why is the climate keep changing like this way, and I could understand the consequences.

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