Sunday, January 28, 2018

Seas are hot!

In my environmental science we have learned about global warming and the sea levels are getting higher annually. The seas around Korea are getting warmer and warmer. A few years ago, the East Sea used to be full of pollack and cod, but now one cannot find those fishes easily in the East Sea.

Some might think this does not do much harm to the fisheries, but when dragging up the fishing net from the sea below, the jellyfishes get tangled with the fishes, killing all the fishes with their venomous tentacles. In addition, the number of jellyfish in the Korean seas is increasing at an unprecedented level during the summer season

After doing this research, I have learned that global warming is hurting the fishery industry heavily. From this, people should concern about global warming and care about it mores since things are not going right.

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