Sunday, January 28, 2018

Fresh water technology in Busan?

In my environmental science class, we have discussed about fresh water. So, I started to wonder how do we get the fresh water. According to my research Busan is trying to increase fresh water supply by desalinating the sea water of East Sea. This effort has been going on for a few years, and they already have built a few desalination facilities to put their plan to practice. However it seems like citizens are against it.

I started to wonder what is the main reason why the citizens were so against the technology? Therefore I started to research about it and I learned that ever since the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster, it has been suspected that pockets of radiation have been leaking to the East Sea, rendering the East Sea as a possible radioactive hazard.

Even with the possible dangers, the city of Busan still tries to utilize its desalination technology as they spent a fortune on the facilities and infrastructures required. This means that they did not consider any environmental factors even though it was explicitly revealed that the Fukushima Disaster is causing serious environmental problems in nearby oceans. After doing some research, I have clearly understand the reason why people are against the technology and how to get fresh water.

Seas are hot!

In my environmental science we have learned about global warming and the sea levels are getting higher annually. The seas around Korea are getting warmer and warmer. A few years ago, the East Sea used to be full of pollack and cod, but now one cannot find those fishes easily in the East Sea.

Some might think this does not do much harm to the fisheries, but when dragging up the fishing net from the sea below, the jellyfishes get tangled with the fishes, killing all the fishes with their venomous tentacles. In addition, the number of jellyfish in the Korean seas is increasing at an unprecedented level during the summer season

After doing this research, I have learned that global warming is hurting the fishery industry heavily. From this, people should concern about global warming and care about it mores since things are not going right.

World is melting!

In my environmental science class, we have learned about the glaciers and polar ice caps. So, I started to research about them. I learned that polar ice caps are not the only ice melting in the world. Glaciers in the mountains are also melting at an accelerating rate as well. 

I could easily tell that by my experience when I visited Russia 5 years ago. I went to this glacier in Russia. And I have found out that the level has changed and the glaciers have been retreated after 5 years ago.

Some people believes that glaciers are over the mountains, so it won't have direct effect in raising the sea level unlike ice caps. However, as we learned in the water cycle, all the melted glaciers evaporate to the atmosphere and rains down on the ocean as precipitation as well, raising the sea level. Polar ice caps are not the only ice supply we should consider when thinking about global warming. By doing this research, I could clearly understand the concept of glaciers that are melting quick

Aquatic environment

In my environmental science class we have learned about aquatic environment. Therefore, I have researched about the classification system of water in Korea. It seems that they classify cleanliness of water based on what kind of organisms live in the environment. I heard that there are different types of level for the species.

According to the article, I have found out that the 1st level has some species of small fishes, planaria, and lobsters. The 2nd level has some clam-like species, different kinds of fishes, and larva of dragonflies. The 3rd level has fishes like carp and several clam species and various aquatic insects. The 4th level mostly has larva of moths and leeches. The 5th level is same as the 4th level except the fact that even leeches can't live in the dirty 5th level water.

After doing some research, I started to wondered about the lake and the canal ways that are in Cheongna. To find out, I might have to look more into the aquatic organisms that live in these environments. Then I may be able to discern which level of water those environments are. Therefore, I could understand better concept of aquatic environment.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Global climate change

After learning about global climate change in my environmental science class, I had bond of sympathy. It's been a surprise on how fast the climate changed in the recent month. In 2018 October, the weather was like Summer. It was abnormal how the weather was that hot. However, just after a  rain, the weather suddenly cooled down and it just all of a sudden became into late-autumn weather. While I was wearing shorts and a single T-shirt before the rain, after the rain, I started wearing hoodies and long sleeved pants

I could look more into about what's going on with the global climate recently in the Internet. To study more about global climate change. I wondered was it global climate change that was causing this abnormality? It may be so. When I was a littleild, climate change between seasons was not so sudden. It was a gradual process. However, as I grew up, it became increasingly normal that seasonal changes come so quickly without any gradual signs. This could also be an indicator that global climate change is intensifying, since even when I was a little child there was still global climate change going on in our planet.

After doing some research, I was able to understand why is the climate keep changing like this way, and I could understand the consequences.

Volcano island, Jeju

In my environmental science class, we learned about volcanoes. After learning more about volcanoes during class, I was interested to find more about volcanic eruptions. The nearest volcano to where I live is Hallasan, which is on the Jeju Island. I am surprised that Hallasan is, though disputed, classified as an active volcano. If the volcano erupted in the last 10000 years, it is considered active, and Hallasan exploded approximately 5000 years ago.

I wondered, what were the environmental effects to the early Korean civilization when it erupted 5000 years ago? I also wondered whether the island itself was formed because of Hallasan. In addition, I wondered whether scientists can predict when Hallasan is going to explode.

I can learn more about Hallasan by sear ching it on the Internet. Maybe I can visit it when I have the time in the future. After doing some research, I could clearly understand how the Jeju was formed and I could understand about volcanoes better.