Thursday, May 17, 2018

Urban Land Use

Today in my environmental science, we learned about Urban Land Use. And we had a mini field trip where we could have chance to go up to the roof of faculty residence. By doing this activity, I could clearly identify which kinds of aspect that I am relating with the urban land use. 
This place is great example of urban sprawl. This is because this building started to construct last year and it had grown really fast.

This place is great example of open space. This is because open space is land that is set aside for agriculture or scenic and recreational enjoyment. This place is used for golf and as well as park.


This picture is great example of Urban land use. This is because highways can make transportation more easy and fast.

This picture is great example of the urban land use because it shows the developed urban with great buildings.

This picture is great example of infrastructure which is the topic of the urban crisis. This is because. It is the dometry where it can be used for the society buildings.

By doing this, I had better understanding of Urban land use.

This picture is great example of the development on marginal lands This is because it is the land that is poorly suited for building. And I believe that building in the red circle is not located in great place!

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