Thursday, May 17, 2018

North and South

In my environmental science class, we learned about the land use in north and south Korea. And we were to create google sheets to  find similarities between them. We were to find percentage of urban and rural population for both countries. So,  I have found out that  North Korea have 19.5 arable land, 1.9 permanent crops, 0.4 permanent pasture, 46 forest and 32.2 others. However In south Korea, I have found out that 15.3 are arable land, 2.2 permanent crops, 0.6 permanent pasture, 63.9 forest and 18 others.

North Korea (percentages)
Arable land19.5
permanent crops1.9
permanent pasture 0.4

South Korea (percentages)
Arable land15.3
permanent crops2.2
permanent pasture0.6
To add on, 

North Korea
North Korea have these amounts of populations.
South Korea
And South Korea have these amounts of population.

By doing this activity, I clearly understood the concept of the land usage and how it is used and also the population of the urban and rural. 

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