Sunday, May 6, 2018

Land usage!

In my environmental science class, we have learned about the land usage. This reminds me of my friend who is vegetarian. He told 1000 reasons why we should eat vegetables. The thing that reminds me of him is that he says that growing meat consumes too much land. He said that the central reason why we have food crisis going on around the world is because we consume too much meat. According to him, we can grow 50 bushels of corn on the same amount of land we can raise a single cow. According to him, ultimately it is our selfish desire to consume meat that leads to food crisis and we need to consume no, if not, less meat in order to feed the world.

However, I think we need to look deeper in the fundamentals of the unfair world. I think we have enough land to feed the whole world. It's just that the land is unfairly distributed. In class, we learned that Americans have an average of 12 hectares of land, while some people in developing countries have less than 1 hectare of land to feed themselves. Before we decide to consume less meat, which is actually needed to a certain extent for a healthy diet, we first need to find a way to distribute the land to a much more equal fashion.

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