Sunday, September 24, 2017

How to make great decision!

Had you ever had difficulties making better choice? In my case, yes indeed! For example, I had difficulties making myself great decision such as eating foods in convince store or in McDonald. Today in my environment class, we learned about scientific method. It is how scientist make decisions in scientific way. It was interesting to learn the concept of scientific method because it helps me understand how scientist make better choice and so that I can also use the following steps to help me find myself to choose better decision.

The procedures seems to be really simple but it takes time to create scientific method. First of all, students should ask a question which helps the purpose of the comparison. Then, students should research about the background of comparing substances. Next students should make hypothesis about whats going to happen and whats the benefit. Following step, students should experiment their hypothesis. Then students should create data and analyze the observations. Finally students can conclude the point and find out better choice for comparison and decide what to reject.

Therefore, I learned that making better choice is possible by using scientific method. I believe what I have learned today is very efficient and very useful. I can now have strong decision on when I have trouble making choices. 

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