Sunday, September 3, 2017

How to Fill the Gap?

Today, in my environmental class, we learned about differences between developing countries and developed countries. In this world, there are two types of countries, developed and developing country. The developed countries has higher rate of usage in resources and the developing countries has lower rate of usage in resources. However ironically, the developed countries has lower population rate than the developing countries. This means that the gap between the rich and the poor countries are significantly thick. This is a major societal problem because if the rich use up all the resource and take all the human work from the developing country, the developing countries will soon be extinct due to loss of natural resource and overpopulation. The overpopulation and the loss of natural resource will cause extinction, because human gain food and supplies from the natural resources and if the resources doesn’t balance out the population of the country, which means if the population outgrow the number of the resource they need, they will began to die. If the dying continues, people will soon be extinct.
The developed country is also a major problem to this chaos, because the developed countries are mostly using up the resources from the developing country, and they are also using man-power from the developing country. These usage of the developed countries are obvious to them because they believe that they have enough money to support the country, however the money isn’t the thing that could fix this problem. The developed countries should start to think about sharing their amount full resources to the developing countries in order to balance out the gap between the rich and the poor, which would eventually end up with balancing the earth’s resource out and decreasing the human race extinction.

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