Sunday, September 17, 2017

Where did animals go?

Today in my environmental class, we have learned about animal extinction. This topic is very interesting topic for me because I am very interested in animal extinction. We have learned the cause of animal extinction. We have concluded our lesson by human destroying their habitat, climate change and natural disasters. However, I was wondering why animals could not adapt to current society. This is because, I believe that animals have better skills of adaption than humans do.

Animals have been living in this planet way more than human do and some people claims that humans are also descendant of animals. I don't really care if humans are descendant of animals but it's hard for me to believe that animals are extincted. Even though, animals are losing their habitat because of humans, I believe that animals could adapt to this current habitat. This is due to the fact that there are polar bears or penguins that are capable to adapt from cold temperature. According to my research, there were no evidence that could support my claim. However, I have found that, it was the overload of carbon dioxide. Not only that I have found, I have found that food chains are damaged by human activities, such as killing the producers where pray requires them. Then, I started to have questions, why did dinosaurs extinct, when there were no humans. There were a lot of answers to questions and what I believe is that there are natural disasters that extinguish them.

Therefore, I believe that human destroying the animals habitat is not big deal, but human killing of producer is very big issue as it breaks the food chain. After learning animal extinction in my environmental class, it made me understand that people should aware of extinction of animals.

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