Saturday, August 26, 2017

Is the sun renewable source?

Today,in Environmental class we have learned about renewable source and non-renewable source. I had a lot of questions so I decided to read my text book.While I was reading chapter 1 in Environmental Science text book, I was wondering why is the sun renewable source. I had been watching so many news or articles claiming that the sun is dying quite rapidly from elementary school and until now. I was not sure if sun is renewable source or nonrenewable source, so here I am writing 1 reason why it is considered as renewable source and 1 counter reason why it can be also called as nonrenewable source.

First of all, students should know the definition of renewable source. According to the dictionary, renewable source means natural resource which replenishes to overcome resource depletion caused by usage and consumption, either through biological reproduction or other naturally recurring processes in a finite amount of time in a human time scale. The sun is resource that human can use for long and long time. This is due to the fact that sun is sustainable until we, as our generation becomes non living thing. Therefore, "Is the sun renewable source or nonrenewable source?" is question that our future generation to consider, while our generation can use the solar energy without any worries.

On the other hand, the Sun can also be nonrenewable source because it is not the source that it replenish itself which goes against the definition of renewable source. According to the research, it claims that the sun will eventually extinct. This is due to the fact that the sun uses hydrogen to combine into helium which then can make heat; but, the sun has used up about approximately half of its hydrogen fuel. If the sun is out of hydrogen fuel, it will eventually extinct. We will never know about the future.

In my opinion, I think that the Sun can be renewable source and nonrenewable source. I personally think that Scientist should add more detail on definition of renewable source, saying that renewable source is source that people can rely on without any worries on their generation.

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