Sunday, June 3, 2018

Last Field Trip

In my environmental science class, we went to the last field trip. I thought we were only eating eel but we went to the thrash center where they trash all the trashes that came from family. It was great experience for me to see all of them and how it works. First I heard that about 60 tons of the trashes come everyday and they have to mix it well so that it can easily burn.
 This is when we were learning about how it works.
 This is where they control the machines.
 This is how they mix the trash into the pieces so that it can burn well.

 This is the monitoring of the burning stuff.

This is when we were watching the mixing the trashes.

In my environmental science class we learned about the photosynthesis. This rose was found near the front door of our school. It was growing near the trash disposal machines. They seem to be entangled to the fences, and all of them seem to have red or pink-colored flowers.

I wondered, first, whether it was planted by someone or it was natural. Then I wondered if it were to be natural, why did they plant it near where they dispose of trash? Last, I wondered what makes some flowers red and some flowers pink?

I think I could find answers on the coloration of flowers in my old Biology textbook, as it talks about phenotypes. I could also ask about the roses to the guard near the front door, whether someone planted it or not, and if it were, why was it planted there. I didn't really learn much from the roses, but I learned that roses have weak stems, therefore need some support to grow, such as fences. 

Sunday, May 27, 2018

During my co-curricular class, we use an old science room that is not used this year. This spider was found between the glass doors that exist between the classroom and outside the classroom. When I shook the door to see if it was alive, the spider seemed to shake frantically. It did not have any noticeable prey caught, and its webs were highly disorganized.

I wondered, how could it survive between doors, where there are low chances of prey being caught. Also, since it was sealed, I wondered how does it get air? Finally, I questioned about its species.

I could look into the Internet about domestic spiders to see to find about its species. Also, I could visit the local library to find more about spiders to see what it needs for survival. Anyway, I learned that life could be found in unexpected places.

Noise Pollution

In my environmental science, we learned about noise pollution. And we needed to create a powerpoint slide to describe the noise pollution  By doing this activity, I could clearly identify which kinds of aspect that I am relating to noise pollution in our real society.

Thursday, May 17, 2018

North and South

In my environmental science class, we learned about the land use in north and south Korea. And we were to create google sheets to  find similarities between them. We were to find percentage of urban and rural population for both countries. So,  I have found out that  North Korea have 19.5 arable land, 1.9 permanent crops, 0.4 permanent pasture, 46 forest and 32.2 others. However In south Korea, I have found out that 15.3 are arable land, 2.2 permanent crops, 0.6 permanent pasture, 63.9 forest and 18 others.

North Korea (percentages)
Arable land19.5
permanent crops1.9
permanent pasture 0.4

South Korea (percentages)
Arable land15.3
permanent crops2.2
permanent pasture0.6
To add on, 

North Korea
North Korea have these amounts of populations.
South Korea
And South Korea have these amounts of population.

By doing this activity, I clearly understood the concept of the land usage and how it is used and also the population of the urban and rural. 

Urban Land Use

Today in my environmental science, we learned about Urban Land Use. And we had a mini field trip where we could have chance to go up to the roof of faculty residence. By doing this activity, I could clearly identify which kinds of aspect that I am relating with the urban land use. 
This place is great example of urban sprawl. This is because this building started to construct last year and it had grown really fast.

This place is great example of open space. This is because open space is land that is set aside for agriculture or scenic and recreational enjoyment. This place is used for golf and as well as park.


This picture is great example of Urban land use. This is because highways can make transportation more easy and fast.

This picture is great example of the urban land use because it shows the developed urban with great buildings.

This picture is great example of infrastructure which is the topic of the urban crisis. This is because. It is the dometry where it can be used for the society buildings.

By doing this, I had better understanding of Urban land use.

This picture is great example of the development on marginal lands This is because it is the land that is poorly suited for building. And I believe that building in the red circle is not located in great place!

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Land usage!

In my environmental science class, we have learned about the land usage. This reminds me of my friend who is vegetarian. He told 1000 reasons why we should eat vegetables. The thing that reminds me of him is that he says that growing meat consumes too much land. He said that the central reason why we have food crisis going on around the world is because we consume too much meat. According to him, we can grow 50 bushels of corn on the same amount of land we can raise a single cow. According to him, ultimately it is our selfish desire to consume meat that leads to food crisis and we need to consume no, if not, less meat in order to feed the world.

However, I think we need to look deeper in the fundamentals of the unfair world. I think we have enough land to feed the whole world. It's just that the land is unfairly distributed. In class, we learned that Americans have an average of 12 hectares of land, while some people in developing countries have less than 1 hectare of land to feed themselves. Before we decide to consume less meat, which is actually needed to a certain extent for a healthy diet, we first need to find a way to distribute the land to a much more equal fashion.