Sunday, June 3, 2018

In my environmental science class we learned about the photosynthesis. This rose was found near the front door of our school. It was growing near the trash disposal machines. They seem to be entangled to the fences, and all of them seem to have red or pink-colored flowers.

I wondered, first, whether it was planted by someone or it was natural. Then I wondered if it were to be natural, why did they plant it near where they dispose of trash? Last, I wondered what makes some flowers red and some flowers pink?

I think I could find answers on the coloration of flowers in my old Biology textbook, as it talks about phenotypes. I could also ask about the roses to the guard near the front door, whether someone planted it or not, and if it were, why was it planted there. I didn't really learn much from the roses, but I learned that roses have weak stems, therefore need some support to grow, such as fences. 

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