Sunday, April 15, 2018

What will Donald Trump do?

In my Environmental science class, we have learned about global warming and air pollution. Donald Trump has been elected as the 45th president of America. Well, it pretty much means disaster in every aspect, but it is evident that the environment is going to be taking one of the worst.Donald Trump is a man who called the global warming as a Chinese hoax. 

South Korea is having serious issue with the fine dust because of China. Donald Trump wants to get rid of many environmental regulations Obama has created, and it is certain this could be done easily as the house and the senate is also republican-dominant. He wants to get rid of the Environmental Protection Agency and also remove any federal spending for clean energy such as solar power or wind power. Not only that, he wants the United States to remove themselves from the Paris climate deal as well.

America is already a country contributing greatly to the destruction of the environment. It is sad that their negative contribution is going to be much larger now that Trump is the president. This could create chaos in South Korea and we are looking forward what is going to happen next.

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