Sunday, April 8, 2018

Earthquake can occure anytime anywhere

In my environmental science class we learned about the different natural disasters. I researched about earthquakes. I looked through the internet to learn more about earthquakes, I saw that Japan has really great architectural techniques that lets the buildings not break apart when Earthquake hits.
It seemed since 1988, Korea's building higher than 6 stories are forced to use seismic design to endure earthquake. However, buildings built before 1988 and buildings that are between 3 stories and 5 stories high was not built using seismic design.
Then, I was reminded of the recent Earthquake that hit South Korea. The News told me that it happened at Pohang. After the earthquake I thought about what if another earthquake hits Korea and a really strong one. I wanted to know if Korea is ready for a strong earthquake. So, I decided to look it up on the internet if our houses are capable of withstanding strong earthquakes. By doing this research I learned that earthquake can be very harmful and can happen occasionally. South Korea government should be aware of this fact and should get ready for after.

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