Sunday, December 10, 2017

Fresh water~~~~

In my environmental science class, we learned that the supply of water is very limited. Out of all the water that are present in Earth, 97% are salt water, and only 3% are fresh water. Even within 3% of the fresh water, only 1/3 of the fresh water are present for us to use, and the rest are present as glaciers and ice.

I had a question during class, why can't we have sea water converted as drinkable water as well? Is there a technology for it? Well as I searched the Internet, there is a technology called desalination, which is removing salt and minerals out of the water so that the water is usable for humans. Middle East, where water especially is scarce, utilizes this technology to create fresh water.

If there is such a great technology, then why don't we utilize it more? Well it is because there is some environmental concerns regarding this technology. It creates enormous amounts of greenhouse gas emissions, and also it kills all the marine organisms that are absorbed with the water as well. I wish we can find a much more environmentally friendly method to desalinate the salt water, because if we were to be able to do that, then there won't be worry for water in the future. 

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