Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Sahara desert

In my environmental science class, we learned about many different biomes around the globe. Of all the biomes, there is one biome that is increasing every day. That biome is none other than the desert.

Especially around the Sahara region, the desertification is increasing its speed. This is due to overgrazing of the grass in the area. Most of the people living in the Saharan region or the region beneath it are mostly pastoral nomads, having their cattle graze the little grass that is left around the area. After grazing all the land, desertification begins, since nothing holds the soil that is left on the land. Erosion comes along with unstable soil. Slowly, the overgrazing process is creating more and more desert around the Sahara region.

Desertification must be stopped, as it is destroying the environment not just for humans but the fauna and flora that live or used to live there. I don't know many concrete solutions, but this is a problem that must be addressed at the soonest time. 

After doing this blog, I could clearly understand the Sahara region which is one of the biome and desertification should be stopped.

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