Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Food chain is in danger.

In my environmental science class we learned about the food chain in class which recently made me think of something I learned previously by reading a book. It was about how, as the food chain in the aquatic ecosystem goes up, many metals accumulate in the consumers' bodies. Because we have been polluting water, metals that are unhealthy for us such as lead accumulates in the fishes' bodies. Those fishes are then consumed by a bigger fish, who receives all the unhealthy metals that were inside those fishes' bodies, making it worse for the bigger fish. The bigger fishes then are consumed by the seal, which means much more amount of unhealthy metals enter the seal's body.

The bigger problem is that, just like the seals, we too, consume those fishes. This means our health are also in danger. I wondered whether if I am constantly consuming these metals as well when I eat sashimi or smoked salmon or something. I also wondered what are the bad health effects I actually get when I consume these metals.

After righting this blog, it encouraged me to look further into this in next time, and write about it in this blog.

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