Sunday, October 15, 2017

Penguins die in 'catastrophic' Antarctic breeding season

I have read an article about Penguins which die in catastrophic Antarctic breeding season. In my environmental science class, we learned about climate changes and animal extinction. While I was reading recent news, this topic interested me and made me to write this journal. According the article, the penguins were in trouble because the season that they are encountering is bad season for them to survive. This is due to the fact that they don't have enough foods for them to survive, therefore, they have to travel to survive. In the article this phenomenon is also known as catastrophic. I believe that these phenomenon should be blamed to human activities. Such actions like global warming makes water level to rise and makes it hard for penguins to travel, since the ice are melting. Penguins are very rare species which only lives in polar side. People should care more to penguins and should really care about global warming. Penguins specially Adelie penguins should be preserved.

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