Sunday, October 15, 2017

What is the biosphere? Is it safe?

Today in my environmental science class, we learned about the biosphere. According to my research, the biosphere is the narrow layer around Earth's surface in which life can exist. The biosphere is located near Earth's surface because most of the sunlight is available near the surface. So, biosphere is like a skin of Earth. After learning this concept in my environmental science class, I started to wonder if biosphere is same as ozone. I have misunderstood that ozone layer is biosphere, however, ozone layer is stratosphere.

Many people believe that ozone layer is biosphere because they are skin of the earth. The biosphere is located near Earth's surface because most of the sunlight is available near the surface. The consequence of organism in the biosphere dies, its body is broken down and the matter in its body becomes available to other organism. By learning this concept, I have fully understood the concept of biosphere and difference between ozone layer and biosphere.

Where is our fresh water?

Today in my environmental science class, we learned about fresh water that are in Earth. Most people believe that most of our fresh water is located in groundwater, however, our fresh water is located in icecaps and glaciers that are so large. I was wondering why is groundwater not fresh water. Therefore, I have researched about this topic so that I can understand why is groundwater not the freshest water.

According to my research, groundwater is rain and melting snow which sinked into the ground and most of it trickles down through the ground and collects as groundwater. Also, I have found out that groundwater accounts for less than 1 percent of all the water on Earth. Even though, people are able to drink the groundwater, there are more fresh water than groundwater. Most of the fresh water is locked up in icecaps and glaciers. The rest of Earth's fresh water is found in lakes, rivers, wetlands, the soil, rock layers below the surface, and in the atmosphere.

After doing this research, I concluded my idea that icecaps and glaciers have much fresher water. I felt happy because I learned that there are more fresh water than I thought. We can conclude that there are clean water.

What is the Acid Rain? Why does it occur?

Today in my environmental class, we learned about water cycle. Water cycle is the continuous movement of water into the air, onto land, and then back to water sources. During water cycle, there are three major processes of the water cycle which includes evaporation, condensation and precipitation. Evaporation is the process when liquid is heated by the solar energy and rises into the atmosphere as water vapor. In the process of condensation, that water vapor forms to  water droplets on dust particle
s which we commonly know as clouds. And last but not least, precipitation is the process when these droplets become large enough to fall from clouds as we commonly known as rain or snow. Then I started to wonder what is acid rain, how and why does it occur. So I started to research about them.

First of all, students should understand the term of acid rain. According to my research, acid rain is rainfall made sufficiently acidic by atmospheric pollution which causes our environment to be endanger. We can understand acid rain more easily by thinking that acid rain equals to bad rain. Then why does it occur? The main cause of the acid rain is because of people's activity that harm our environment. Just like our my previous blogs, the main reason for the acid rain is burning fossil fuels or coals, waste gases, producing carbon dioxide, and etc... that easily pollute our air. Yes, air pollution is the reason why the acid rain occur. To be more specific, gases that contain sulfur and nitrogen oxides are later form and turns out to be acidic. Then how does it occur? There are few ways that these pollution can be part of water cycle. The polluted gases can directly go to the process of condensation which go to cloud and become acidic rain. On the other hand, the pollution can mix with the water and which goes to the process of evaporation.

After researching, I have fully understand the acid rain and reason why it occurs. In order to stop that, people should stop polluting air. Otherwise, the rain that we must encounter could be hazardous to our life and could disturb our happy life. 

Penguins die in 'catastrophic' Antarctic breeding season

I have read an article about Penguins which die in catastrophic Antarctic breeding season. In my environmental science class, we learned about climate changes and animal extinction. While I was reading recent news, this topic interested me and made me to write this journal. According the article, the penguins were in trouble because the season that they are encountering is bad season for them to survive. This is due to the fact that they don't have enough foods for them to survive, therefore, they have to travel to survive. In the article this phenomenon is also known as catastrophic. I believe that these phenomenon should be blamed to human activities. Such actions like global warming makes water level to rise and makes it hard for penguins to travel, since the ice are melting. Penguins are very rare species which only lives in polar side. People should care more to penguins and should really care about global warming. Penguins specially Adelie penguins should be preserved.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Dangerous Ozone Layer

Today in my environmental science class, we have learned about ozone layer. This topic is very exciting topic for me because it helps me understand about current issue about Earth. When I was in elementary school, I was interested to learn about ozone layer. This is due to the fact that, my friend from Australia once told me, how serious the ozone layer has been destroyed by then and how people are having issues such as skin cancer. My friend was really worried about the issue, therefore, I remember that I have researched about ozone layer back then. We have learned about concept of ozone layer in my environmental class. We concluded our idea "basic structure of ozone layer." However, I was wondering the reason why ozone layer keeps breaking and what is the consequence of ozone layer.

Ozone layer was and until now, is serious issue to our society. Many people where countries that ozone layer has been destroyed are having serious concern about ozone layer. Ozone layer is a region of Earth's stratosphere that absorbs most of the Sun's ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Which means, ozone layer absorb most of the Sun's ray. If not, people would not be able to survive from the direct Sun's ray. However, sad news is that our ozone layer is starting to deplete and have a hole. This is due to the fact that global warming is continuously destroying the ozone layer with high carbon dioxide. Australia is having this situation and many people are worried about the this issue. To this end, many people are getting skin cancer.

Therefore, I learned that ozone layer is not safe enough to protect people from Earth. In this regard, I want to conclude that humans need to stop global warming instantly, so that people can live in healthy Earth.

Dalton's field trip

About month ago, our environmental science class went to "National Institute of Biological Resources" for our field trip. It was really exciting to go to field trip that is related to environment. When we were arrived there, it was really huge museum. First we went to a room where students can see creatures such as fishes, snakes, and etc... and students could do activities such as bird flying and stuff. It was not interesting until we went to other room where we could identify different types of species of animals and plants. There were good details that could easily identify them for students. I had learned a lot of good information about different types of species. After that, we went to another room where there were a lot of species that are identified as bones. There were animals, bacteria and also plants that were being described. Last but not least, we went to room where students can clearly learn about animal extinction. Even though, its quite while that I went to Museum, I still can remember how nice it was and how good information they are holding. After I went to museum, what we have covered from my environmental science class, makes sense to me and I could understand more better. By coming to here, I learned that how serious is animal extinction and how to identify animals in groups. Lastly, I could understand the importance of museum.