Sunday, September 24, 2017

How to make great decision!

Had you ever had difficulties making better choice? In my case, yes indeed! For example, I had difficulties making myself great decision such as eating foods in convince store or in McDonald. Today in my environment class, we learned about scientific method. It is how scientist make decisions in scientific way. It was interesting to learn the concept of scientific method because it helps me understand how scientist make better choice and so that I can also use the following steps to help me find myself to choose better decision.

The procedures seems to be really simple but it takes time to create scientific method. First of all, students should ask a question which helps the purpose of the comparison. Then, students should research about the background of comparing substances. Next students should make hypothesis about whats going to happen and whats the benefit. Following step, students should experiment their hypothesis. Then students should create data and analyze the observations. Finally students can conclude the point and find out better choice for comparison and decide what to reject.

Therefore, I learned that making better choice is possible by using scientific method. I believe what I have learned today is very efficient and very useful. I can now have strong decision on when I have trouble making choices. 

Earthquake BOOM

Today in my environmental class, we have learned about earthquakes.  This topic is very exciting topic for me because it helps me understand Earth better. I started to have interest in Earth and its structure since I was elementary school. We have learned the cause of Earthquakes. We concluded our idea "why earthquake happens" by understanding plate tectonic. However, I was wondering if not only caused by movment of platetetonic can Earthquake still occur? So, I started to research about my topic.

Earthquake has been considered as serious natural disaster for long period. Many people were injured or even died by earthquakes. Best example and still, Japan is having serious problem because of earthquakes; however, there are no solutions to stop earthquakes but to predict its incoming. According to my environmental class, I learned that crushing of plate tectonics makes earthquakes. Then, I started to wonder that if earthquake is occurred by getting damage, does it still consider as plate tectonics. According to my research, North Korea has tested nuclear bomb and that caused China to find out magnitude of 3.4 earthquake in North Korea. Therefore, I realized that not only plate tectonics. can cause earthquakes but also, damages can cause earth bomb test affects not only the upper part of the ground but also earthquakes. However, according to my another research, I have found out that such nuclear  underground which can affect plate tectonics.

Therefore, I learned that plate tectonics  can happen not only naturally but also by man made power. There are a lot of countries that are having trouble with earthquakes, so I believe countries that are creating earthquakes should really stop and understand the serious impact of earthquakes. 

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Where did animals go?

Today in my environmental class, we have learned about animal extinction. This topic is very interesting topic for me because I am very interested in animal extinction. We have learned the cause of animal extinction. We have concluded our lesson by human destroying their habitat, climate change and natural disasters. However, I was wondering why animals could not adapt to current society. This is because, I believe that animals have better skills of adaption than humans do.

Animals have been living in this planet way more than human do and some people claims that humans are also descendant of animals. I don't really care if humans are descendant of animals but it's hard for me to believe that animals are extincted. Even though, animals are losing their habitat because of humans, I believe that animals could adapt to this current habitat. This is due to the fact that there are polar bears or penguins that are capable to adapt from cold temperature. According to my research, there were no evidence that could support my claim. However, I have found that, it was the overload of carbon dioxide. Not only that I have found, I have found that food chains are damaged by human activities, such as killing the producers where pray requires them. Then, I started to have questions, why did dinosaurs extinct, when there were no humans. There were a lot of answers to questions and what I believe is that there are natural disasters that extinguish them.

Therefore, I believe that human destroying the animals habitat is not big deal, but human killing of producer is very big issue as it breaks the food chain. After learning animal extinction in my environmental class, it made me understand that people should aware of extinction of animals.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Risky Risky Risk

Today in my environmental science class, we learned about risk. In my definition, risk is something that people have to bet on. However, it was not definition that I knew in environmental class. Therefore, I researched about risk as a environmental term. According to my research, risk is "the probability of an unwanted outcome." To give an example, this chart shows the consequences of oil spills and people worries about spilling oil but according to the pie chart there are always "unwanted outcome" which is runoff from land. Not only that, I have founded that the most important risk that people consider is risk of death. I have found out that people are losing their focus of risk of death as a drastic situation by overestimating the problem. However, students should understand that there are risk of death that people underestimates, such as smoking cigarettes and drinking overload of alcohols.

On the other hand, I have found out that ordinary citizens and experts have different thoughts of "risk." Perceptions of risk by both of them have categorized as high risk and low risk. Experts believe that perception of high risk is global climate change and ozone depletion. Not only that, they believe that perception of low risk is oil spills and water pollution. However, ordinary citizen believed that perception of high risk is ozone depletion, oil spills, and etc..  Also, they believed that perception of low risk is global climate change and water pollution. It is very interesting to see that experts and ordinary citizens have opposite thoughts of risk. To conclude, understanding the concept of risk may vary. There are different types of risk and people have to understand the consequence of risk and do not underestimate the risk. Therefore, by writing this blog, I can clearly understand the concept of risk and understand what we have learned in my environmental class.

Monday, September 4, 2017

Resouce depletion?

Today in my environment class we learned about resources depletion because of "tragedy of common." Tragedy of common is when people share something but people tend to use more than others because they believe that if they don't use them, they will lose them. In order to stop that people should use them more efficiently by some people or some groups taking responsibility to take care of resources and use them separately. According to the article, non renewable resources are disappearing every single year with rapid rate.
People are losing their nonrenewable resources with rapid rate. I believe that this is a great example for "tragedy of common."  Just because that people tend to believe non renewable resources must be used by themselves, more people uses non renewable resources as they require. If this tragedy continues, this will be serious impact to our society. People will be not able to use non renewable resource when they need to and maybe people will not be able to develop no more and give serious problem to their habitat.
In order to stop that, there are substitution such as making electricity as their resources. According to research, there are other substantive resources to cover the resource depletion. However the problem is they will not be able to use them since they are not strong enough as resources such as fossil and etc... I believe that people should take more time on working on substitute resources which can be strong enough for people to live and use them without any problem.
In my opinion, I believe that people should care about environment issues and should participate on making non- renewable resources  to be limited. Therefore, people can use them equally, satisfy all people around the world and people can finally reduce the cause of tragedy of commons

Sunday, September 3, 2017

How to Fill the Gap?

Today, in my environmental class, we learned about differences between developing countries and developed countries. In this world, there are two types of countries, developed and developing country. The developed countries has higher rate of usage in resources and the developing countries has lower rate of usage in resources. However ironically, the developed countries has lower population rate than the developing countries. This means that the gap between the rich and the poor countries are significantly thick. This is a major societal problem because if the rich use up all the resource and take all the human work from the developing country, the developing countries will soon be extinct due to loss of natural resource and overpopulation. The overpopulation and the loss of natural resource will cause extinction, because human gain food and supplies from the natural resources and if the resources doesn’t balance out the population of the country, which means if the population outgrow the number of the resource they need, they will began to die. If the dying continues, people will soon be extinct.
The developed country is also a major problem to this chaos, because the developed countries are mostly using up the resources from the developing country, and they are also using man-power from the developing country. These usage of the developed countries are obvious to them because they believe that they have enough money to support the country, however the money isn’t the thing that could fix this problem. The developed countries should start to think about sharing their amount full resources to the developing countries in order to balance out the gap between the rich and the poor, which would eventually end up with balancing the earth’s resource out and decreasing the human race extinction.