Sunday, November 12, 2017

Are mushrooms like human or plants?

Today in my environmental science class, we learned about domains and kingdoms. Our teacher has taught us that there are 3 domains and 4 kingdoms. In 3 domains, there are eukarya, bacteria, and archaea. And in 4 kingdoms, they include kingdom of Animalia, Plantae, Fungi, and Protista. We have learned that mushrooms are known as kingdom of Fungi. Then I started to wonder what is fungi? and why does people believe that mushrooms are more likely to human than plants. So, I started to research about this topic.

First of all, students should understand the concept of kingdom of Fungi. According to dictionary, fungi are phototropic organisms, they obtain their nutrients by absorption. The cell wall of fungi are mostly made up of carbohydrate chitin, while the cell wall in plants is made of cellulose. Then why does people argue whether mushrooms are more to human or plants.  According to my research, I have found out that animals and fungi have both common ancestor which is single- celled organism that classify as sperm like cell which then later developed as a stronger cell wall. It clearly indicates that mushrooms are more like human rather than plants.

After having my research, I clearly understood what is fungi and why people believe that mushrooms are more likely to human than plants. Mushrooms is classified as fungi but if we have to compare them whether they are plant or animal, I can clearly say that mushrooms are more likely to be human like.

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