Sunday, November 26, 2017

How do we get vegetables?

In my environmental science class we learned about development of the flower or plants. I remember learning in middle school that there are many vegetables, including broccoli created from artificially selecting a certain trait of the wild mustard.

According to this, the suppression of flower development led to broccoli, suppression of intermode length led to cabbages, enlargement of leaves led to kale, sterility of flowers led to cauliflower, and enhancement of lateral meristems led to kohlrabi. What I wondered was, how did they do this. I also wondered, how did they think of forming these kinds of weird vegetables from such a normal plant. Finally, I wondered how long did it take to turn wild mustard into these vegetables.

I might do further research about this in the future, as it made me curious how our everyday vegetables are mostly artificially selected. I could use the Internet once again, or find related books about this. 


Today in my environmental science class, our class went to GomDan historical museum for our field trip. We went there by the bus. When we were getting there, we could see enormous scale of graves. After we reached there, we went to the historical museum right away. It was very interesting because we could learn more about Korean History as well as the techniques and tools that ancient people were capable to use.

I learned that hunter-gathers changed their society when they understand to use the fire and to build farm. It surely is interesting to me and I was very happy with the field trip. I wish we could go again.
After that we

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Beavers are moving!

Today in my environmental science class, we learned about biome which contains tundra. What we have learned from the class is that tundra is cold place where there are only few living things can adapt the weather condition such as penguins, polar bears, and etc...So I was wondering why theses kind of animals are able to adapt from the climate. Therefore, I searched up internet to see what animals are living in the tundra.

 Recently, I read an article about beavers are moving to the tundra zone. They are moving to Alaska's Northwestern. It is very astonishing fact because it is very cold place for beaver to make it as their house. Since it was not coming to me, I had to research about it. According to my research I have found out that beavers have feet that is capable to stand on the snow without freezing. Not only that, beavers have great sense of adaptation skills.  Therefore I learned that tundra is great place for beavers to adapt as their new home.

Tropical Rain forest

In my environment science, we learned about the forest. While we learning, I was wondering what kind of species are living in the tropical forest. So, I read an another article about the tropical forest. We all know that there are many species live in forests. I mean hundreds of species of animals and plants. Forests are there home because it provides them place to live and food. Unfortunately, this species are in danger due to humans' ruthless actions. Humans took over their lands and cut downed trees. In other words, they are 
destroying those species habitat. This issue is becoming more sever as time passes.

According to the article, the researchers have found out a way to solve forest species from extinction. Since human took over their land, their number decreased due to lack of food and place to rest safely. However, they said that they have to restore forests in order to prevent decrease birds populations. They actually researched that populations of birds increased as they expanded forests.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

What should we do to protect our environment.

Last week, I went to Hawaii to take my exam. I was really surprised with the environment that Hawaii had. It was beautiful, wonderful and fabulous. The sky was blue and the clouds were white and everything was perfect. It is unforgettable times staying in Hawaii. When I came back to Korea, I could not stop my face to be frown. The paradise in Hawaii was over and I had to face the dark blue sky and black clouds. So, here, I want to talk about what should we do to protect our environment.

Therefore, I found great information from my research what should we do to protect our environment.
1: We should pay attention to water.
2: Do not use your vehicle often.
3: Recycle 
4.Save energy

By doing these steps, students can surely protect our environment. As our environmental science class covered up in the class that our earth is closed system, we should always keep in mind that we should protect our own planet. 

Old-field Succession

Today in my environmental science class we learned about old-field succession. It occurs when farmland is abandoned. Old-field succession can be easily seen in climax community which is final and stable community. This is because old-field succession basically concludes to our mind that the long roots of the taller plants absorbs most of the water in the soil which makes pioneer plants to die from lack sunlight and water. Therefore I researched about this topic for me to have better understanding of tropical rain forest.

According to my research I have found out that good example of old-field succession is tropical rain forest. Imagine that you are in rain forest, you can clearly draw the huge tall trees around you. Trees in the tropical rain forest are most likely to be tall. Yes, it is because the taller trees absorbs the sunlight and also the roots suck up the water in the soil. Therefore the smaller one would likely to die.

By doing this research, I clearly understood the concept of old field succession which is basically a type of a secondary succession that occurs when farmland is abandoned.  Also when a farmer stops cultivating a field, grasses and weeds quickly grow and cover the abandoned land. After that the taller plants take advantages than smaller plants.

Hawaii - Primary or secondary succession?

Today in my environmental science class we learned about ecological succession. It was interesting to learn about ecological succession. Ecological succession is a gradual process of change and replacement of some or all the species in a community. Also, it can be classified as 2 type which is primary succession and secondary succession. Primary succession is the series of changes that occur in an area where no ecosystem previously existed. In other word, there were no soil but just rock and ash. However when time passes, the rock breaks and create soil and plants start to grow. However it would take a lot of time. On the other hand, secondary succession is when a community is partially or completely destroyed by a natural or a human- caused disaster, another community eventually takes its place. Secondary succession restores the ecosystem to be stable which can be maintained.

Understanding these concepts, I started to wonder if Hawaii should be classified as primary succession or secondary succession. Last week, I went to Hawaii and I was thought that Hawaii was formed after a volcanic eruption. After my research, I understood that Hawaii is classified as primary succession. This is due tot the fact that after a volcanic eruption, the surface of ground were covered by rock and ash. After that, lichens and moss which are called pioneer species appeared  at that place. Then grasses could grow where soils were created. Eventually, trees and shrubs were able to grow and now there is beautiful island like Hawaii. So, I can conclude that Hawaii is island where it can be classified as primary succession. By doing this blog, I could clearly understand the concept of ecological succession.

Are mushrooms like human or plants?

Today in my environmental science class, we learned about domains and kingdoms. Our teacher has taught us that there are 3 domains and 4 kingdoms. In 3 domains, there are eukarya, bacteria, and archaea. And in 4 kingdoms, they include kingdom of Animalia, Plantae, Fungi, and Protista. We have learned that mushrooms are known as kingdom of Fungi. Then I started to wonder what is fungi? and why does people believe that mushrooms are more likely to human than plants. So, I started to research about this topic.

First of all, students should understand the concept of kingdom of Fungi. According to dictionary, fungi are phototropic organisms, they obtain their nutrients by absorption. The cell wall of fungi are mostly made up of carbohydrate chitin, while the cell wall in plants is made of cellulose. Then why does people argue whether mushrooms are more to human or plants.  According to my research, I have found out that animals and fungi have both common ancestor which is single- celled organism that classify as sperm like cell which then later developed as a stronger cell wall. It clearly indicates that mushrooms are more like human rather than plants.

After having my research, I clearly understood what is fungi and why people believe that mushrooms are more likely to human than plants. Mushrooms is classified as fungi but if we have to compare them whether they are plant or animal, I can clearly say that mushrooms are more likely to be human like.