Sunday, March 18, 2018

Today in my environmental science class we learned that there are salinity and the different ocean currents. It made me understand that the reason why the ocean does not freeze but the river or lake,

When lakes freeze, only the topmost part freeze. That is the reason why there is still fish under the frozen surface. Also, because the top part freezes, the temperature of the water itself is not too freeze so fishes can survive. If the water was too cold, the fishes might also hibernate like the bears do in the winter.

The weather like 1 week ago, it was super cold. And Cheongna Canal way was frozen. People started to play at the frozen Canal way. I believe that our world is very interesting.

By doing this research and through my experience, I learned the importance of salinity. And I start wonder what will happen if the ocean frozes. It will be very interesting. 

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