Sunday, March 18, 2018

Han River

Today in my environmental science class we learned about fresh water. And I start thinking if Han river

is fresh water or not. Seoul is formed around the huge Han river. The Han River is famous for being so wide. There are famous rivers of big cities like the Thames with the tower bridge or the Hudson river. But among them, Han River is the widest and most beautiful, I believe. It is a sad that with such a good river, the Korean Government does not do much other than make bridges. The water is not clean and there is not so much investment into activities that can be done in the river. There are certain manias that still fish or water ski in the river but there is no facilities that can help people or lure new comers to join and have fun. It is a shame that people need to go countryside to enjoy marine sports while there is such a great environment right next to us. I hope the government makes good use of Han river. Even if it is considered not fresh water, people should keep it clean so that people can have great image of Han river. By doing this I learned that Han river is not a fresh water that people can enjoy to drink, however, it is really amazing river.


Today in my environmental science class, I have learned about water fertilization. 
Since Korea is a developed nation, we have safe water. Although you need to pay for it, you don't need to worry about getting sick from it. And from that, I started to wonder and made me research on how much do we need to pay for water in order to get safe water.

According to my research and our billing paper I understand that you pay 402 won per m^3. In average, a house with 3-4 family member pays 30,000 to 40,000 won a month for water. Water is not expensive in Korea because we can afford it easily. However, we should make a daily habit of saving water. Not only it is beneficial to the environment, it also saves your money. And also comparing to countries in South East Asia countries, they charges you for water, however, in South Korea water is free.

I think our current situation on water is not problem because the government seems to make it cheaper. Therefore, people should still save water or else our billing paper on water will look much different and people would not enjoy on the money. By doing this I learned that South Korea is in safe level on water and people should care more on water.
Today in my environmental science class we learned that there are salinity and the different ocean currents. It made me understand that the reason why the ocean does not freeze but the river or lake,

When lakes freeze, only the topmost part freeze. That is the reason why there is still fish under the frozen surface. Also, because the top part freezes, the temperature of the water itself is not too freeze so fishes can survive. If the water was too cold, the fishes might also hibernate like the bears do in the winter.

The weather like 1 week ago, it was super cold. And Cheongna Canal way was frozen. People started to play at the frozen Canal way. I believe that our world is very interesting.

By doing this research and through my experience, I learned the importance of salinity. And I start wonder what will happen if the ocean frozes. It will be very interesting. 

Natural disasters.

Today in my environmental science class we have learned about natural disasters such as earthquakes and volcanoes..And I start wondering about other natural disasters suc as tsunami, tornadoes, and etc... I start wondering that because I watched a movie. There was a Korean Movie named Hae Un Dae. Hae Un Dae is Korea's most famous beach at Busan. The Movie Hae Un Dae is about a fictional story that Busan gets hit by an enormous tsunami. Although it reached milllion in the box office, the movie itself did not get a good review score because of general plot line and an ending that 'forced' audience to cry. According to my research, hurricane Chaba hit lower right corner of Korea, where Busan city is located. The city of Busan was overwhelmed with water flow. The whole city was filled with water which it was real situation rather than a movie.
People in Busan had damaged by the unpredictable natural disaster. 
After doing this, I learned that there are serious natural disasters that can happen unpredictiably. Therefore, people should always prepare for the natural disasters.