Sunday, February 11, 2018


In my environmental science class, we have learned about extinction of animals. Students started to teach the others by presenting slide shows. It was very interesting to see that animals are extincting and it is hard to imagine that the animal were existed before the extinction. And today I found something unusual.  Going back home, I encountered a wildlife that I usually don't encounter in an urban environment of Korea. It was a squirrel.The moment I came into its sight, it ran away as quick as possible to the nearest tree. It ran away so fast that I couldn't even take a picture of it. I didn't have much time to observe either. All I took noticed was that it was quite big, had a bushy tail and grey fur.

I wondered how could a squirrel live near the road in which is very noisy. Also, I wondered what could eat for sustenance in food-scarce urban areas. I started to think, that it is human activity that made the extinction or not. 

As other students have mentioned, human activities are surely the reason for extinction of animals. This is due to the fact that squirrel is animal that it is hard to see, and it is the reason for the urban which is made by human. Therefore, I think people should stop destroying the habitat for animals. 

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